NanoPi R5S OpenWRT Performance

Right now, the NanoPi R5S performance information is widely available in Chinese. Therefore, I decided to make this post, hope it will be useful if you are looking for this piece of information.

If you have yet to watch the NanoPi R5S detailed overview in English, you can find it here.

In the video, I am using the latest FriendlyWRT released on August 3, 2022. It is a fold of OpenWRT developed by Friendlyelec.

Testing Network Diagram

I setup a 2.5 Gigiabit network connection in order to test out the potential of the NanoPi R5S. The NanoPi R5S and the test server is connected to the FastRhino R68s LAN ports.

NanoPi R5S FriendlyWRT Performance

I run the WAN to LAN test a few times and the result is different from one to another. It looks like there are stability problem that FriendlyElec team need to fix.

For Wireguard VPN and OpenVPN, the result is stable. The OpenVPN throughput is at 150Mbps and Wireguard VPN is around 610 Mbps.

Data Rate Unit: MbpsOpenSpeedTest DownloadOpenSpeedTest Uploadiperf3
WAN to LAN1168883607
WAN to LAN (SW Offloading)18531338641
Wireguard VPN637610480

Testing Video

You can watch the full video to see how I upgrade the FriendlyWRT to the latest version as well as configuring the LAN1 port as a WAN port (2.5GbE).

Feeel free to let me know what is the test you want me to do next with the NanoPi R5S!

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2 years ago

Hello Van Tech. First of all i want to thank you for teaching us noobs about networking. You really know your stuff.

Listen, I’m sorry for contacting you here but i couldn’t find anywhere else to do so. For the past 7 days I’ve been trying to set up vpn on raspberry pi running openwrt, and I’m having hell of a time. Long story short pi has internet, everyone connected to pi (wirelessly) have internet BUT not tunneled through vpn, for some reason. Vpn is properly set up.

I would ask you if you have 3 minutes of your time, just open the link for the whole situation.